
ajruport malta car park
Għalkemm il-gżira ta' Malta għandha ajruport żgħir, eluf ta' vjaġġaturi jixtiequ jżuru din il-gżira u ż-żewġ gżejjer ġirien ta' Kemmuna u Għawdex kull sena. Ħafna mill-vaganza jiġu bl-ajruplan, ftit bil-lanċa minn Sqallija. Dawk li l-aktar spiss jipparkjaw il-vetturi tagħhom fl-Ajruport ta’ Malta Luqa huma n-nies tal-lokal. Il-vaganza u l-viżitaturi tal-gżejjer ħafna drabi jużaw it-trasport pubbliku jew it-trasport ibbukkjati jew vannijiet tat-trasferiment. In-nies...
airport malta car park
Although Malta Luqa Airport is comparatively small, thousands of holidaymakers reach this island in most cases by plane and only a small number by ferry from Sicily. Residents of the islands of Malta and Gozo are the ones who most often park their cars at the airport in Malta when leaving the island by plane. Many of them try to park their cars for free on the streets of Gudja and Luqa, near the airport, angering the residents of these two small towns. The restriction on parking in Gudja and...

ajruport malta car park
Iż-żieda fin-numru ta’ turisti u n-numru ta’ vetturi fit-toroq ta’ Malta qed jikkawżaw il-problema tal-parkeġġ. L-ibliet li qed jissieltu l-aktar bi problemi ta’ parkeġġ huma: San Pawl il-Baħar, San Ġiljan, Tas-Sliema, Birkirkara, Msid, Gżira, Most, Ħal Qormi u Marsaskala. Fil-gżira Gozo, l-ibliet li ġejjin huma l-aktar milquta mill-problema tal-parkeġġ: Victoria u Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Minkejja dan, ħafna vacationers iridu jikru karozza u jiskopru l-gżira ta’ Malta bil-mod...
car park malta airport
Since the island of Malta is very small and the number of tourists and vehicles on the roads is increasing year by year, parking is a problem. The top localities in Malta with the largest number of tourists where people have parking problems are: St Paul’s Bay, St Julian’s, Sliema, Birkirkara, Msid, Gzira, Most, Qormi and Marsaskala. In Gozo the parking shortage is most acute in Victoria and Zebbug. Nevertheless, there are many travellers who like to rent a car to explore the island. But...

car park ajruport malta
Malta hija gżira popolari fost il-vaganza, li kull sena tattira eluf ta’ turisti minn madwar id-dinja. Tista’ żżur Malta u ż-żewġ gżejjer żgħar oħra ta’ Għawdex u Kemmuna kemm fis-sajf kif ukoll fix-xitwa. Ħafna mill-vjaġġaturi jiġu Malta bl-ajruplan, inqas jaslu bil-lanċa minn Sqallija. It-turisti li jtiru lejn Malta bl-ajruplan jużaw trasport pubbliku jew shuttle buses li jmorru l-lukandi. Minn żmien għal żmien, iżda mhux ta’ spiss, jinkrew karozzi. Passiġġieri...
car park airport malta
Malta is a popular island that attracts thousands of tourists every year. Most travellers come to Malta by plane, fewer get there by ferry from Sicily. The majority of travellers who arrive by plane use public transport, hotel shuttle buses in most cases or rent a car. Those who rent cars should be familiar with left-hand traffic. Compared to other European countries, Malta has left-hand traffic because Malta was a British colony earlier from 1814. People who want to leave the island of Malta...

parking malta ajruport
Jekk trid issuq lejn l-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta (MLA) bil-karozza tiegħek stess u tiffranka l-battikata li tfittex spazju għall-parkeġġ, ipparkja l-karozza tiegħek fil-garaxx ta’ SkyParks Business Centre. Għalkemm, għandu jingħad mill-ewwel li parkeġġ f'garaxx mhux dejjem ikun possibbli jekk, pereżempju, il-karozza tkun għolja wisq għad-daħla. Għal din ir-raġuni, vjaġġaturi li għandhom karozzi kbar iħalluhom id-dar u jmorru fit-terminal tal-ajruport...
parking malta airport
Our car park option number 6 is SkyParks business center. If you want to drive to Malta Airport (MLA) in your own car and save yourself the long search for a parking space, you have to park your car in a paid parking lot or in a multi-storey car park. However, parking in a parking garage is not always possible, especially when driving a large vehicle to the airport terminal. Because of this, most passengers and visitors use public transport to get to Malta Luqa International Airport. Sometimes...

malta parking ajruport
F’kull ajruport hemm parkeġġi jew punti fejn vjaġġaturi u vacationers jittellgħu u jittieħdu fil-lukandi li jkunu bbukkjaw. L-operaturi turistiċi kollha jorganizzaw trasferimenti għal vjaġġaturi li ma jridux jivvjaġġaw lejn il-lukanda bit-trasport pubbliku biss. Dawn huma ġeneralment il-passiġġieri li jibbukkjaw kollox inkluż. Meta tirċievi konferma tal-prenotazzjoni għas-soġġorn tiegħek fil-lukanda bl-email, tirċievi wkoll struzzjonijiet għat-trasferiment tiegħek:...
malta parking airport
Each airport has a separate area where travelers flying on vacation are picked up directly from the terminal and taken directly to the booked hotel by shuttle bus or by passenger van. All tour operators offer a wide range of transfer options to suit all budgets, no matter where you want to travel on the island of Malta. These are usually all-inclusive trips. Together with the documents for the hotel reservation, you will also receive all information about your transfer: where the shuttle bus or...

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